Bus Lviv - Hamburg
Buses Ukraine to Germany in the direction of Lviv - Hamburg depart from Lviv on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Boarding is carried out at the Lviv Bus Station.
Address of the bus station: 109 Stryis'ka St. Lviv.
Time of bus arrival - 13:30 * local time
Departure time - 14:00.
Arrival in Hamburg
Bus arrives in Hamburg Central Railway station.
Arrival days: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
Arrival time: 07:30 ** local time.
Departure time: 08:00.
More information about stations, as well as their GPS-coordinates, you can also find on the map.
Choose the date of travel to Germany convenient for you from the list below. If you are interested in another date, please post it in the search box. Next, click “Continue” and select the desired seat and book bus ticket online.
* Please note! Arrival and departure times can be changed. We ask you to clarify the time of your bus departure when buying tickets and planning trips.
** The times of bus arrival to Germany are approximate. Please make allowances for at least 2 hours additionally on passing of 4 customs points.
We offer trips from Ukraine every tuesday, wednesday and sunday and trips from Germany every tuesday, saturday and sunday :