Bus Kiev - Frankfurt am Main
Trips from Ukraine to Germany in the direction of Kyiv - Frankfurt am Main are carried out weekly, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The places of boarding passengers in Kyiv are the Central Railway Station and the Dachna Bus Station.
The Railway Station address is 32, Simon Petlura St.,
Address of the is 142, Pobedy Ave.
The bus serves for boarding at the Central Railway Station at 06:30 * local time.
Departure time from the station is 07:00.
Arrival at the Dachna Bus Station at 07:30.
Departure time: 07:40.
Arrival in Frankfurt am Main
Passengers are disembarking in Frankfurt am Main near the Railway Station on Pforzheimer Strasse.
Bus arrival days: Wednesday, Sunday.
Arrival time: 12:15 ** local time.
Departure time: 12:30.
Read detailed information on the points of departure from Germany and arrival in Ukraine by clicking on the corresponding map icon.
To book a ticket online, select the convenient trip Kyiv - Frankfurt am Main from the schedule below and click “Continue”. Then you will be able to view the seats available in the bus and buy a ticket. In addition, you can immediately book a ticket in the opposite direction or an open date ticket.
* Please note! Arrival and departure times can be changed. We ask you to clarify the time of your bus departure when buying tickets and planning trips.
** The times of bus arrival to Germany are approximate. Please make allowances for at least 2 hours additionally on passing of 4 customs points.
We offer trips from Ukraine every tuesday, wednesday and sunday and trips from Germany every tuesday, saturday and sunday :