Компанія Адлер Транс ніякого відношення до компанії Шевченко НЕ має

Bus Essen - Zhytomyr

Компанія Адлер Транс ніякого відношення до компанії Шевченко НЕ має
on-line ticket booking
In order to avoid speculation, we ask to order tickets only on the official website of the Shevchenko company

Essen - Zhytomyr

Buses Essen - Zhytomyr depart from Germany on Wednesday and Saturday. Passengers boarding in Essen is carried out at the railway station at Freiheit.

Bus arrival time - 07:00 * local time.
Departure - at 07:10.

Bus arrival in Zhytomyr

Buses arrive at the Zhytomyr bus station.
Bus station address is: 93 Kyivska St., Zhytomyr.
Days of arrival: Thursday, Sunday.
Arrival time: 13:30 ** local time.
Departure - at 13:45.

Click on the map icon next to the stop name to find out more information about it and GPS-coordinates.

To buy tickets Essen - Zhytomyr online and see the seats available in the bus, select your trip and click "Continue." If you are looking for a bus trip in the other direction, set it in the search box.

* Please note! Arrival and departure times can be changed. We ask you to clarify the time of your bus departure when buying tickets and planning trips.

** The times of bus arrival to Ukraine are approximate. Please make allowances for at least 2 hours additionally on passing of 4 customs points.

Routes not found
Dear passengers!

We offer trips from Ukraine every tuesday, wednesday and sunday and trips from Germany every tuesday, saturday and sunday :
  • Dortmund, Münster, Osnabrück, Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Cottbus, Lviv, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kyiv.